// ==UserScript== // @name Stickers+ // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.0 // @description améliore la gestion des stickers // @author Annapurna // @match https://onche.org/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=onche.org // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; resetScriptOnFixUpdate(); // Retrieve the value of 'stickersNoScroll' from local storage const stickersNoScrollValue = localStorage.getItem('stickersNoScroll'); const stickersSynchronize = localStorage.getItem('stickersynchronize'); const stickersContainer = document.querySelector('.favoriteStickers'); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART INITIALISES ALL CURRENT FAVORITE STICKERS WHEN THE SCRIPT IS USED FOR THE FIRST TIME AND OTHER THINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function initialiseStickers() { if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/forum/")) { const token = document.querySelector('#forum').getAttribute('data-token'); localStorage.setItem('stickertoken', token); } else if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/topic/")) { const token = document.querySelector('#topic').getAttribute('data-token'); localStorage.setItem('stickertoken', token); } // Check if "isInitialised" key exists in local storage if (!localStorage.getItem('isInitialised') || !localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')) { localStorage.setItem('isInitialised', 'true'); // Check if 'stickersNoScroll' item exists in local storage const stickersNoScrollExists = localStorage.getItem('stickersNoScroll') !== null; if (!stickersNoScrollExists) { localStorage.setItem('stickersNoScroll', 'false'); } const stickersSynchronizeExists = localStorage.getItem('stickersynchronize') !== null; if (!stickersSynchronizeExists) { localStorage.setItem('stickersynchronize', 'false'); } // Get the 'stickers' item from local storage var stickersItem = localStorage.getItem('stickers'); // Check if 'stickers' item exists in local storage if (stickersItem) { // Parse the JSON string to an object var stickersData = JSON.parse(stickersItem); // Create an array to store the extracted properties var stickfoldersData = []; var position = 1; // Iterate over each object in the 'data' array stickersData.data.forEach(function (sticker) { // Extract the properties you want var stickfolderData = { name: sticker.name, link: sticker.image, collection: sticker.collection_id, folder: 'racine', position: position, isCollection: false }; // Push the extracted properties to the new array stickfoldersData.push(stickfolderData); position++; }); // Store the new array in local storage under the key 'stickfolders' localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfoldersData)); } } } function addFromOtherDevices() { // Retrieve items from local storage let stickersObj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickers')); let stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); if (stickersObj && stickfoldersArr) { // Extract names from stickersObj and stickfoldersArr const stickerNames = stickersObj.data.map(sticker => sticker.name); const stickfolderNames = stickfoldersArr.map(stickfolder => stickfolder.name); // Find names in stickersObj that are not in stickfoldersArr const namesNotInStickfolders = stickerNames.filter(name => !stickfolderNames.includes(name)); // Insert stickers data not in stickfolders namesNotInStickfolders.forEach(name => { // Find sticker data by name const stickerData = stickersObj.data.find(sticker => sticker.name === name); const position = getFolderLength('racine') + 1; // Make necessary changes const modifiedStickerData = { name: stickerData.name, link: stickerData.image, // Change 'image' to 'link' collection: stickerData.collection_id, folder: "racine", // Add 'folder' field with value "racine" position: position, isCollection: false }; // Insert modified sticker data into stickfoldersArr stickfoldersArr.push(modifiedStickerData); }); // Update 'stickfolders' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfoldersArr)); } } function removeFromOtherDevices() { // Retrieve items from local storage let stickersObj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickers')); let stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); if (stickersObj && stickfoldersArr) { // Extract names from stickersObj and stickfoldersArr const stickerNames = stickersObj.data.map(sticker => sticker.name); const stickfolderNames = stickfoldersArr.map(stickfolder => stickfolder.name); // Find names in stickfoldersArr that are not in stickersObj const namesNotInStickers = stickfolderNames.filter(name => !stickerNames.includes(name)); // Remove stickers data not in stickersObj from stickfoldersArr namesNotInStickers.forEach(name => { // Find index of sticker data in stickfoldersArr by name const index = stickfoldersArr.findIndex(stickfolder => stickfolder.name === name); // Remove sticker data from stickfoldersArr if (index !== -1 && !stickfoldersArr[index].isCollection) { updateStickersPositionOnFolderChangeOrDelete(name); stickfoldersArr.splice(index, 1); } }); // Update 'stickfolders' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfoldersArr)); } } function resetScriptButton() { const blocDiv = document.querySelector('#right .purple .centered'); // Create the element const aElement = document.createElement('a'); aElement.id = 'author-only-button'; aElement.className = 'button bordered don'; aElement.target = '_blank'; // Create the
element for the icon const divIcon = document.createElement('div'); divIcon.className = 'mdi mdi-ghost'; // Create the text node for the button label const textNode = document.createTextNode('[Stickers+] Réinitialisez le script'); // Append the
icon and the text node to the element aElement.appendChild(divIcon); aElement.appendChild(textNode); // Append the element to the document body (or any other desired parent element) blocDiv.appendChild(aElement); aElement.addEventListener('click', () => { localStorage.removeItem('stickfolders'); }) } function resetScriptOnFixUpdate() { // Check if the 'notification' item exists in local storage const stickerupdate = localStorage.getItem('stickerupdate'); // If 'notification' item doesn't exist or is null, create it and set it to 'false' if (stickerupdate === null) { localStorage.setItem('stickerupdate', 1); localStorage.removeItem('stickfolders'); localStorage.removeItem('stickertoken'); localStorage.removeItem('stickers'); localStorage.removeItem('isInitialised'); } } function synchronizeStickersFromCloud() { if (stickersSynchronize) { addFromOtherDevices(); removeFromOtherDevices(); } } synchronizeStickersFromCloud(); resetScriptButton(); initialiseStickers(); if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/forum/") || window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/topic/")) { clickOnSticker(); setFavoritestickers(stickersContainer); // Check if the value is 'true' if (stickersNoScrollValue === 'true') { // Perform your action here, for example: stickersContainer.style.maxHeight = 'none'; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART MANAGES WHEN A STICKER IS ADDED TO FAVORITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //allow to manage when a sticker is added to favorites function clickOnSticker() { var stickerElements = document.querySelectorAll('.sticker'); stickerElements.forEach(function (stickerElement) { stickerElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // Get data attributes var dataName = stickerElement.getAttribute('data-name'); var dataCollection = stickerElement.getAttribute('data-collection'); // Get image source as a child of the parent element var imgElement = stickerElement.querySelector('img'); var imgSrc = imgElement.getAttribute('src'); // Get the position and size of the 'contextMenu' var contextMenu = document.getElementById('context'); // Define the function var clickHandler = function (event) { var clickedItem = event.target; if (clickedItem.classList.contains('item') && clickedItem.textContent.trim() === 'Ajouter aux favoris') { addStickerLocalstorage(dataName, imgSrc, dataCollection, 'racine', false); setTimeout(function () { setFavoritestickers(stickersContainer); }, 500); displayCustomMenu(dataName, imgSrc, dataCollection, '', 1); } else if (clickedItem.classList.contains('item') && clickedItem.textContent.trim() === 'Voir la collection') { setTimeout(function () { handleCollection(); }, 500); } }; // Wait for a short time (e.g., 100 milliseconds) for the context menu to appear setTimeout(function () { contextMenu.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); var contextMenuClose = document.getElementById('context'); var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if (mutation.attributeName === 'style') { if (contextMenuClose.style.display === 'none') { setTimeout(function () { contextMenuClose.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler); observer.disconnect(); }, 100); } } }); }); // Configure and start the observer var observerConfig = { attributes: true }; observer.observe(contextMenuClose, observerConfig); }, 100); }); }); } //affiche la boîte modale permettant de choisir le dossier de destination du sticker ajouté en favori function displayCustomMenu(name, link, collection, folder, call) { // Retrieve folder names from localStorage var folderNames = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('folders')) || []; // Dynamically create modal elements const modal = document.createElement('div'); modal.className = 'modal'; document.body.appendChild(modal); const modalContent = document.createElement('div'); modalContent.className = 'modal-content'; modalContent.style.backgroundColor = '#1c2229'; modal.appendChild(modalContent); const closeBtn = document.createElement('span'); closeBtn.className = 'close'; closeBtn.style.color = 'white'; // Set text color closeBtn.innerHTML = '×'; modalContent.appendChild(closeBtn); var title = document.createElement('div'); title.className = 'title'; title.textContent = "Dossier où ranger le sticker"; title.style.color = 'white'; // Set text color title.style.paddingBottom = "10px"; modalContent.appendChild(title); var addFolderParent = document.createElement('div'); addFolderParent.style.display = 'flex'; addFolderParent.style.fontSize = '14px'; var addFolder = document.createElement('input'); addFolder.type = 'text'; addFolder.placeholder = 'Créez un dossier'; addFolder.style.width = '100%'; addFolder.style.marginRight = '10px'; // Create SVG element var svgElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); svgElement.setAttribute("width", "24px"); svgElement.setAttribute("height", "24px"); svgElement.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 24 24"); svgElement.style.cursor = 'pointer'; svgElement.style.color = 'white'; // Create path element var pathElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); pathElement.setAttribute("fill", "none"); pathElement.setAttribute("stroke", "white"); pathElement.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"); pathElement.setAttribute("d", "M20,15 C19,16 21.25,18.75 20,20 C18.75,21.25 16,19 15,20 C14,21 13.5,23 12,23 C10.5,23 10,21 9,20 C8,19 5.25,21.25 4,20 C2.75,18.75 5,16 4,15 C3,14 1,13.5 1,12 C1,10.5 3,10 4,9 C5,8 2.75,5.25 4,4 C5.25,2.75 8,5 9,4 C10,3 10.5,1 12,1 C13.5,1 14,3 15,4 C16,5 18.75,2.75 20,4 C21.25,5.25 19,8 20,9 C21,10 23,10.5 23,12 C23,13.5 21,14 20,15 Z M7,12 L10,15 L17,8"); // Append path to SVG svgElement.appendChild(pathElement); svgElement.addEventListener('click', function () { if (checkFolderName(addFolder.value)) { saveFolderName(addFolder.value, 0); displayCustomMenu(name, link, collection, folder, call); } else { alert("un dossier de ce nom existe déjà (ou vous avez nommé votre dossier 'racine', ce qui est interdit pour des raisons techniques)"); } addFolder.value = ''; }); addFolderParent.appendChild(addFolder); addFolderParent.appendChild(svgElement); modalContent.appendChild(addFolderParent); var root = document.createElement('div'); root.className = 'root'; root.textContent = "racine"; root.className = 'custom-menu-item'; root.style.color = '#71c2fb'; // Set text color root.style.padding = '11px 20px'; // Set padding root.style.fontSize = '14px'; // Set font size root.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Set text alignment root.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Set cursor style root.addEventListener('click', function () { modal.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // Allow scrolling }); // Add styles on hover root.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { root.style.background = '#232e39'; }); root.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { root.style.background = 'initial'; // Revert to the original background color on mouseout }); modalContent.appendChild(root); // Create and append items for each folder folderNames.forEach(function (folderName) { var menuItem = document.createElement('div'); menuItem.className = 'custom-menu-item'; menuItem.textContent = folderName; menuItem.style.color = '#71c2fb'; // Set text color menuItem.style.padding = '11px 20px'; // Set padding menuItem.style.fontSize = '14px'; // Set font size menuItem.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Set text alignment menuItem.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Set cursor style // Add styles on hover menuItem.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { menuItem.style.background = '#232e39'; }); menuItem.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { menuItem.style.background = 'initial'; // Revert to the original background color on mouseout }); menuItem.addEventListener('click', function () { // Handle the click on the folder item (e.g., add sticker to the selected folder) updateStickersPositionOnFolderChangeOrDelete(name); modifyStickerLocalstorage(name, link, collection, folderName); setStickerNewPosition(name, getFolderLength(folderName)); modal.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // Allow scrolling if (call == 1) { setFavoritestickers(stickersContainer); } else { displayStickers(call); } }); modalContent.appendChild(menuItem); }); if (call != 1) { // Get the length of the folder const folderLength = getFolderLength(folder); // Get the sticker's current position const currentPosition = getStickerPosition(name); // Create a select element const selectList = document.createElement('select'); selectList.id = 'position-select'; selectList.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Center align the text selectList.style.marginBottom = '23px'; selectList.style.marginTop = '23px'; // Create a label element const label = document.createElement('label'); label.textContent = 'Modifiez la position du sticker : '; label.setAttribute('for', 'position-select'); label.style.color = 'white'; // Apply color: white; label.style.padding = '11px 20px'; // Apply padding: 11px 20px; label.style.fontSize = '14px'; // Apply font-size: 14px; label.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Apply text-align: center; // Populate the select list with options ranging from 1 to folderLength for (let i = 1; i <= folderLength; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = i; option.text = i; selectList.add(option); } // Set the default selected value based on the sticker's current position selectList.value = currentPosition; // Add an event listener to handle the click event selectList.addEventListener('change', function () { // Get the new selected position const newPosition = parseInt(selectList.value); // Call setNewPosition function with the chosen value setStickerNewPosition(name, newPosition); removeFolderStructure(); buildContainer(); displayStickers(folder); }); modalContent.appendChild(label); modalContent.appendChild(selectList); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var deleteSticker = document.createElement('div'); deleteSticker.className = 'custom-menu-item'; deleteSticker.textContent = 'Supprimer ce sticker'; deleteSticker.style.color = 'white'; // Set text color deleteSticker.style.padding = '11px 20px'; // Set padding deleteSticker.style.fontSize = '14px'; // Set font size deleteSticker.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Set text alignment deleteSticker.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Set cursor style deleteSticker.style.backgroundColor = '#bd0e0e'; deleteSticker.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { deleteSticker.style.background = '#ef1616'; }); deleteSticker.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { deleteSticker.style.background = '#bd0e0e'; // Revert to the original background color on mouseout }); deleteSticker.addEventListener('click', function () { modal.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // Allow scrolling deleteStickerOnCloud(name); deleteStickerLocalstorage(name); removeFolderStructure(); buildContainer(); displayStickers(folder); }); modalContent.appendChild(deleteSticker); var modaldiv = document.querySelector(".modal"); var title = modaldiv.querySelector(".title"); title.textContent = "Sélectionnez le nouveau dossier"; var customMenuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.custom-menu-item'); customMenuItems.forEach(function (menuItem) { // Check if the text content matches the specified string if (menuItem.textContent.trim() == folder) { // Remove the node menuItem.parentNode.removeChild(menuItem); } }); } // Add styles dynamically const styles = ` body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; background-color: #f4f4f4; } .modal { display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); overflow: scroll; } .modal-content { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .close { position: absolute; top: 1px; right: 1px; font-size: 20px; cursor: pointer; } `; const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = styles; document.head.appendChild(styleElement); modal.style.display = 'block'; document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; // Prevent scrolling closeBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { modal.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // Allow scrolling }); window.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.target === modal) { modal.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; // Allow scrolling } }); function isElementOverflowing(element) { // Get the dimensions and position of the element var elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Get the dimensions of the viewport var viewportWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; // Check if any part of the element is outside the viewport var isOverflowing = elementRect.left < 0 || elementRect.right > viewportWidth || elementRect.top < 0 || elementRect.bottom > viewportHeight; return isOverflowing; } var myElement = document.querySelector(".modal-content"); // replace 'yourElementId' with the actual ID of your element var elementIsOverflowing = isElementOverflowing(myElement); if (elementIsOverflowing) { myElement.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -10%)'; } } //ajouter un sticker au localstorage function addStickerLocalstorage(name, link, collection, folder, isCollection) { var stickers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')) || []; const position = getFolderLength(folder) + 1; // Create a new object var newEntry = { name: name, link: link, collection: collection, folder: folder, position: position, isCollection: isCollection }; // Add the new object to the array stickers.push(newEntry); localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickers)); } //modifier un sticker du localstorage en fonction de son som function modifyStickerLocalstorage(name, link, collection, folder) { var stickers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')) || []; var stickerIndex = stickers.findIndex(sticker => sticker.name === name); if (stickerIndex !== -1) { // Update the properties of the menu at the found index stickers[stickerIndex].link = link; stickers[stickerIndex].collection = collection; stickers[stickerIndex].folder = folder; // Save the modified array back to localStorage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickers)); } } //changer le dossier de tous les stickers appartenant à un certain dossier function modifyStickersFolder(targetFolder, newFieldValue) { let stickfolders = localStorage.getItem('stickfolders'); let newFolderLength = 0; // Check if the 'stickfolders' item exists in local storage if (stickfolders) { // Parse the JSON string to an object stickfolders = JSON.parse(stickfolders); if (newFieldValue == 'racine') { newFolderLength = getFolderLength(newFieldValue); newFolderLength++; } // Loop through each item in stickfolders for (let i = 0; i < stickfolders.length; i++) { // Check if the folder field matches the target folder if (stickfolders[i].folder === targetFolder) { // Update the folder field with the new value stickfolders[i].folder = newFieldValue; if (newFieldValue == 'racine') { stickfolders[i].position = newFolderLength; } newFolderLength++; } } // Save the updated stickfolders object back to local storage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfolders)); } } //supprimer un sticker du localstorage function deleteStickerLocalstorage(name) { updateStickersPositionOnFolderChangeOrDelete(name); var stickers = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')) || []; var stickerIndex = stickers.findIndex(sticker => sticker.name === name); if (stickerIndex !== -1) { stickers.splice(stickerIndex, 1); // Save the modified array back to localStorage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickers)); } } function deleteStickerOnCloud(name) { const url = 'https://onche.org/stickers/favorite/remove'; // Get the value of the "stickerToken" item from local storage const token = localStorage.getItem('stickertoken'); // Check if the stickerToken exists if (token == null) { window.alert("[Stickers+] Pour une raison technique, veuillez vous rendre sur un forum ou un topic avant d'effectuer cette action"); } //const data = new URLSearchParams({ name, token }); // Create URLSearchParams object const data = new URLSearchParams({ name, token }); // Create URLSearchParams object fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, body: data.toString(), // Convert URLSearchParams to string }) } //détecte quand un sticker est supprimé via les moyens conventionnels du site function detectStickerRemove() { var open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; var send = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () { // Call the original open function open.apply(this, arguments); // Store the request URL var url = arguments[1]; // Intercept the send method to capture sent data this.send = function () { // Check if the request URL matches the desired URL if (url === 'https://onche.org/stickers/favorite/remove') { var queryString = arguments[0]; var sentData = {}; queryString.split('&').forEach(function (keyValue) { var parts = keyValue.split('='); sentData[decodeURIComponent(parts[0])] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]); }); // Get the value of the 'name' field var name = sentData['name']; deleteStickerLocalstorage(name); } // Call the original send function return send.apply(this, arguments); }; }; } // Call the function to start detecting sticker remove requests detectStickerRemove(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART MANAGES THE DISPLAY OF STICKERS IN FAVORITE STICKERS FIELD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //allow to setup the favoritestickers field to display folders and stickers function setFavoritestickers(target) { console.log("Stickers+ starts displaying stickers. Enjoy.") clearFavoritestickersField(target); showFolders(target); showStickers('racine', target); } //clear favoritestickers field function clearFavoritestickersField(favoriteStickers) { // allow to remove all children from field containing favorites stickers if (favoriteStickers) { // Remove all child elements of the parent div while (favoriteStickers.firstChild) { favoriteStickers.removeChild(favoriteStickers.firstChild); } favoriteStickers.style.display = "flex"; } } //show folders in favoritestickers field function showFolders(container) { // Get the string from localStorage var folderNames = localStorage.getItem('folders'); // Check if there is any data in localStorage if (folderNames && folderNames.length > 0) { var folderNamesArray = JSON.parse(folderNames); // Loop through the folder names folderNamesArray.forEach(function (folderName) { var folderDiv = document.createElement('div'); folderDiv.className = 'folder'; folderDiv.style.display = 'block'; folderDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; folderDiv.style.fontSize = '1rem'; // Create an img element var imgElement = document.createElement('img'); imgElement.className = 'image'; imgElement.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/folder.png' imgElement.style.height = '3rem'; var folderDivText = document.createElement('div'); folderDivText.textContent = folderName; folderDiv.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Append the img element to the folder div folderDiv.appendChild(imgElement); // Append the img element to the folder div folderDiv.appendChild(folderDivText); // Append the folder div to the container container.appendChild(folderDiv); folderDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { showFolderContent(folderName, container); }); }); } } //show stickers to corresponding foldername in favoritestickers field function showStickers(foldername, container) { var localStorageData = localStorage.getItem('stickfolders'); // Check if there is any data in localStorage if (localStorageData) { // Parse the JSON string into an array of objects var folders = JSON.parse(localStorageData); // Filter the array to get objects where the 'folder' field is 'racine' var racineFolders = folders.filter(function (item) { return item.folder === foldername; }); // Sort correspondingStickers by the 'position' field racineFolders.sort(function (a, b) { return a.position - b.position; }); // Loop through the filtered items and create HTML elements racineFolders.forEach(function (item) { // Create a new div element var stickerDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Add classes and data attributes stickerDiv.className = 'sticker favorite'; stickerDiv.setAttribute('data-name', item.name); stickerDiv.setAttribute('data-collection', item.collection); // Create an img element var imgElement = document.createElement('img'); // Add class and set the src attribute imgElement.className = 'image'; imgElement.src = item.link; // Assuming 'link' contains the image source // Append the img element to the sticker div stickerDiv.appendChild(imgElement); // Append the sticker div to the container container.appendChild(stickerDiv); if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/chat/")) { stickerDiv.style.cursor = "pointer"; stickerDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { // Get the textarea element with class 'Form__input' var textarea = document.querySelector('.Form__input'); textarea.value += ' :' + item.name + ': '; }); } }); } } //show stickers to corresponding foldername in favoritestickers field and a way to go back to root function showFolderContent(name, container) { clearFavoritestickersField(container); var folderDiv = document.createElement('div'); folderDiv.className = 'folder'; folderDiv.style.display = 'block'; folderDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Create an img element var imgElement = document.createElement('img'); imgElement.className = 'image'; imgElement.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/folder.png' imgElement.style.height = '3rem'; var folderDivText = document.createElement('div'); folderDivText.textContent = '..'; folderDiv.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Append the img element to the folder div folderDiv.appendChild(imgElement); // Append the img element to the folder div folderDiv.appendChild(folderDivText); // Append the folder div to the container container.appendChild(folderDiv); folderDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { setFavoritestickers(container); }); showStickers(name, container); } // Select all elements with class 'message' // Store processed 'message-form' elements const processedElements = new Set(); if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/topic/")) { // Check for new messages every 5 seconds (adjust interval as needed) setInterval(checkForNewMessages, 1000); } // Function to check for the appearance of 'message-form' elements function checkForNewMessages() { const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.message'); // Loop through all '.message' elements messages.forEach(message => { // Check if 'message' contains any child element with class 'message-form' const messageForm = message.querySelector('.message-form'); if (messageForm && !processedElements.has(messageForm)) { // 'message-form' is found within this 'message' element const container = messageForm.querySelector('.favoriteStickers'); // Check if the value is 'true' if (stickersNoScrollValue === 'true') { // Perform your action here, for example: container.style.maxHeight = 'none'; } const folders = container.querySelectorAll('.folder'); folders.forEach(folder => { const name = folder.querySelector('div').textContent; folder.addEventListener('click', function () { showFolderContent(name, container); }); }); // Add the element to the set of processed elements processedElements.add(messageForm); } else if (!messageForm && processedElements.has(messageForm)) { // Remove the element from the set of processed elements processedElements.delete(messageForm); } }); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART MANAGES THE CONFIGURATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOLDERS AND STICKERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function getFolderLength(folderName) { // Retrieve items from local storage const stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); let folderCount = 0; if (stickfoldersArr) { // Count the number of objects with 'folder' field matching the given value stickfoldersArr.forEach(item => { if (item.folder === folderName) { folderCount++; } }); return folderCount; } } function getStickerPosition(sticker) { // Retrieve items from local storage const stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); let positionValue = null; if (stickfoldersArr) { // Find the object with the given 'name' field const matchingObject = stickfoldersArr.find(item => item.name === sticker); if (matchingObject) { // Retrieve the 'position' field value positionValue = matchingObject.position; return positionValue; } } } function setStickerNewPosition(sticker, newPosition) { // Retrieve items from local storage let stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); if (stickfoldersArr) { // Find the sticker object by name const stickerObjectIndex = stickfoldersArr.findIndex(item => item.name === sticker); if (stickerObjectIndex !== -1) { const stickerObject = stickfoldersArr[stickerObjectIndex]; const originalPosition = stickerObject.position; const stickerFolder = stickerObject.folder; // No need to proceed if newPosition is equal to originalPosition if (newPosition === originalPosition) { return; } // Update sticker's position stickfoldersArr[stickerObjectIndex].position = newPosition; // Increment or decrement other objects' positions based on their position relative to sticker's original and new positions stickfoldersArr.forEach(item => { if (item.folder === stickerFolder && item.name !== sticker) { if ((originalPosition < newPosition && item.position > originalPosition && item.position <= newPosition) || (originalPosition > newPosition && item.position >= newPosition && item.position < originalPosition)) { item.position += (originalPosition < newPosition) ? -1 : 1; } } }); // Update the 'stickfolders' item in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfoldersArr)); } } } function updateStickersPositionOnFolderChangeOrDelete(sticker) { // Retrieve items from local storage let stickfoldersArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stickfolders')); if (stickfoldersArr) { // Find the object with the given 'name' field const matchingObject = stickfoldersArr.find(item => item.name === sticker); if (matchingObject) { const givenFolder = matchingObject.folder; const givenPosition = matchingObject.position; // Decrement 'position' field for other objects with the same 'folder' and higher 'position' stickfoldersArr.forEach(item => { if (item.folder === givenFolder && item.position > givenPosition) { item.position--; } }); // Update the 'stickfolders' item in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickfolders', JSON.stringify(stickfoldersArr)); } } } // Ajoute des dossiers et les affiche function buildContainer() { // Initialize folders in localStorage if it doesn't exist if (!localStorage.getItem('folders')) { localStorage.setItem('folders', JSON.stringify([])); } // Select the container with id "left" var leftContainer = document.getElementById('left'); // Check if the container exists if (leftContainer) { // Append the folder HTML to the "left" container appendFolderStructure(leftContainer); var myFolders = document.querySelectorAll('.category'); myFolders.forEach(function (folder) { folder.addEventListener('click', function () { var categoryLabelElement = folder.querySelector('.category-label'); var categoryLabelText = categoryLabelElement.textContent; displayStickers(categoryLabelText); }); }); } // Select the "addfolder" div var addFolderButton = document.getElementById('addfolder'); // Check if the "addfolder" div exists if (addFolderButton) { // Add event listener to the "addfolder" div addFolderButton.addEventListener('click', function () { // Prompt the user for the folder name var folderName = prompt('Entrez le nom du dossier (les doublons ainsi que le nom "racine" sont interdits'); // Check if the user entered a folder name if (folderName) { // Save the folder name to localStorage if (!checkFolderName(folderName)) { alert("un dossier de ce nom existe déjà (ou vous avez nommé votre dossier 'racine', ce qui est interdit pour des raisons techniques)"); } else { saveFolderName(folderName, 1); } } }); } } //permet d'afficher le container qui contiendra les dossiers dans /stickers function appendFolderStructure(container) { // Create a new div element with the provided HTML structure var folderDiv = document.createElement('div'); folderDiv.innerHTML = `
Mes dossiers
`; // Insert the new folder div at the first position in the "left" container container.insertBefore(folderDiv, container.firstChild); } function removeFolderStructure() { var structure = document.getElementById("folders"); structure.remove(); } //permet d'afficher les dossiers dans /stickers function generateFolderLinks() { // Retrieve folder names from localStorage var folderNames = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('folders')) || []; // Generate HTML for each folder link var folderLinksHTML = folderNames.map(function (folderName) { return `
`; }).join(''); // Join the array of HTML strings into a single string return folderLinksHTML; } //permet d'enregistrer un dossier nouvellement créé dans le localstorage puis d'appeler la fonction pour l'afficher function saveFolderName(folderName, call) { var modalTest = document.querySelector(".modal"); // Does not match anything if (modalTest) { modalTest.remove(); } // Get existing folder names from localStorage or initialize an empty array var existingFolders = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('folders')) || []; // Add the new folder name to the array existingFolders.push(folderName); // Save the updated array back to localStorage localStorage.setItem('folders', JSON.stringify(existingFolders)); if (call == 1) { // Update the UI to display the new folder link updateFolderLinks(); } } //permet d'afficher un dossier nouvellement ajouté dans /stickers function updateFolderLinks() { // Check if a div with classname 'folderTitle' exists var folderTitleElement = document.querySelector('.folderTitleContent'); if (folderTitleElement) { displayStickers(folderTitleElement.textContent) } else { removeFolderStructure(); buildContainer(); } } function modifyFolderName(targetValue, newValue) { let folders = localStorage.getItem('folders'); // Check if the 'folders' item exists in local storage if (folders) { // Parse the JSON string to an array folders = JSON.parse(folders); // Find the index of the target value in the array const index = folders.indexOf(targetValue); // Check if the target value was found if (index !== -1) { // Update the value at the found index with the new value folders[index] = newValue; // Save the updated folders array back to local storage localStorage.setItem('folders', JSON.stringify(folders)); } } } function deleteFolder(targetValue) { let folders = localStorage.getItem('folders'); // Check if the 'folders' item exists in local storage if (folders) { // Parse the JSON string to an array folders = JSON.parse(folders); // Find the index of the target value in the array const index = folders.indexOf(targetValue); // Check if the target value was found if (index !== -1) { // Use splice to remove the element at the found index folders.splice(index, 1); // Save the updated folders array back to local storage localStorage.setItem('folders', JSON.stringify(folders)); } } } function checkFolderName(targetValue) { if (targetValue == 'racine' || targetValue == 'Racine') { return false; } let folders = localStorage.getItem('folders'); // Check if the 'folders' item exists in local storage if (folders) { // Parse the JSON string to an array folders = JSON.parse(folders); // Check if the target value exists in the array const exists = folders.includes(targetValue); // Return false if the value exists, otherwise return true return !exists; } // Return true if the 'folders' item does not exist return true; } function displayStickers(folderName) { var folderNameTracker = folderName; var folderContainer = document.getElementById('folders'); var title = folderContainer.querySelector('.title'); var titleDiv = title.querySelector('.titleclass'); titleDiv.innerHTML = '
Dossier : ' + folderNameTracker + '
'; titleDiv.style.marginRight = "10px"; var content = document.getElementById('foldersList'); while (content.firstChild) { content.removeChild(content.firstChild); } if (folderName != 'racine') { var editImg = document.createElement('img'); editImg.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/edit.png'; // Replace with the actual path to your image editImg.alt = 'modifier'; // Replace with appropriate alt text editImg.style.width = "20px"; editImg.style.cursor = "pointer"; editImg.style.height = "20px"; editImg.style.marginRight = "5px"; titleDiv.appendChild(editImg); editImg.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { editImg.style.height = "30px"; editImg.style.width = "30px"; }); editImg.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { editImg.style.height = "20px"; editImg.style.width = "20px"; }); var deleteImg = document.createElement('img'); deleteImg.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/delete.png'; // Replace with the actual path to your image deleteImg.alt = 'supprimer'; // Replace with appropriate alt text deleteImg.style.width = "20px"; deleteImg.style.cursor = "pointer"; deleteImg.style.height = "20px"; titleDiv.appendChild(deleteImg); deleteImg.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { deleteImg.style.height = "30px"; deleteImg.style.width = "30px"; }); deleteImg.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { deleteImg.style.height = "20px"; deleteImg.style.width = "20px"; }); var validateImg = document.createElement('img'); validateImg.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/validate.png'; // Replace with the actual path to your image validateImg.alt = 'valider'; // Replace with appropriate alt text validateImg.style.width = "20px"; validateImg.style.height = "20px"; validateImg.style.cursor = "pointer"; validateImg.style.display = "none"; validateImg.style.marginRight = "10px"; validateImg.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { validateImg.style.height = "30px"; validateImg.style.width = "30px"; }); validateImg.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { validateImg.style.height = "20px"; validateImg.style.width = "20px"; }); titleDiv.appendChild(validateImg); var cancel = document.createElement('img'); cancel.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/cancel.png'; // Replace with the actual path to your image cancel.alt = 'valider'; // Replace with appropriate alt text cancel.style.width = "20px"; cancel.style.height = "20px"; cancel.style.cursor = "pointer"; cancel.style.display = "none"; cancel.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { cancel.style.height = "30px"; cancel.style.width = "30px"; }); cancel.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { cancel.style.height = "20px"; cancel.style.width = "20px"; }); titleDiv.appendChild(cancel); var inputElement = document.createElement('input'); editImg.addEventListener('click', function () { // Get the reference to the div element var folderTitleDiv = document.querySelector('.folderTitleContent'); // Create an input element // Set the input element's type to text inputElement.type = 'text'; // Set the input element's value to the current text content of the div inputElement.value = folderTitleDiv.textContent.trim(); // Replace the div with the input element folderTitleDiv.innerHTML = ''; folderTitleDiv.appendChild(inputElement); deleteImg.style.display = "none"; editImg.style.display = "none"; validateImg.style.display = "block"; cancel.style.display = "block"; }); deleteImg.addEventListener('click', function () { deleteFolder(folderNameTracker); modifyStickersFolder(folderNameTracker, 'racine'); removeFolderStructure(); buildContainer(); }); validateImg.addEventListener('click', function () { var folderTitleDiv = document.querySelector('.folderTitleContent'); if (checkFolderName(inputElement.value)) { folderTitleDiv.innerHTML = inputElement.value; modifyStickersFolder(folderNameTracker, inputElement.value); modifyFolderName(folderNameTracker, inputElement.value); folderNameTracker = inputElement.value; } else { alert("un dossier de ce nom existe déjà (ou vous avez nommé votre dossier 'racine', ce qui est interdit pour des raisons techniques)"); } editImg.style.display = "block"; deleteImg.style.display = "block"; validateImg.style.display = "none"; cancel.style.display = "none"; }); cancel.addEventListener('click', function () { var folderTitleDiv = document.querySelector('.folderTitleContent'); folderTitleDiv.innerHTML = folderNameTracker; editImg.style.display = "block"; deleteImg.style.display = "block"; validateImg.style.display = "none"; cancel.style.display = "none"; }); } // Create a div element var returnDiv = document.createElement('div'); returnDiv.style.float = "left"; returnDiv.style.cursor = "pointer"; // Create an image element var backImg = document.createElement('img'); backImg.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/back.png'; // Replace with the actual path to your image backImg.alt = 'retour'; // Replace with appropriate alt text backImg.style.width = "50px"; backImg.style.height = "50px"; returnDiv.appendChild(backImg); // Append the div to the body or any other container element content.appendChild(returnDiv); // Add an event listener to the div returnDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { removeFolderStructure(); buildContainer(); }); var localStorageData = localStorage.getItem('stickfolders'); var stickers = JSON.parse(localStorageData); var correspondingStickers = stickers.filter(function (item) { return item.folder === folderNameTracker; }); // Sort correspondingStickers by the 'position' field correspondingStickers.sort(function (a, b) { return a.position - b.position; }); // Loop through the filtered items and create HTML elements correspondingStickers.forEach(function (sticker) { // Create a new div element var stickerDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Add classes and data attributes stickerDiv.className = 'sticker favorite'; stickerDiv.setAttribute('data-name', sticker.name); stickerDiv.setAttribute('data-collection', sticker.collection); stickerDiv.setAttribute('data-folder', sticker.folder); // Create an img element var imgElement = document.createElement('img'); // Add class and set the src attribute imgElement.className = 'image'; imgElement.src = sticker.link; imgElement.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Append the img element to the sticker div stickerDiv.appendChild(imgElement); // Append the sticker div to the container content.appendChild(stickerDiv); stickerDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { displayCustomMenu(sticker.name, sticker.link, sticker.collection, sticker.folder, folderNameTracker) }); // Add styles on hover stickerDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { imgElement.src = 'https://codeberg.org/Annapurna/StickersPlus/raw/branch/main/config.png'; }); stickerDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { imgElement.src = sticker.link; }); }); } if (window.location.href === 'https://onche.org/stickers') { buildContainer(); } if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/account/profil/appearance")) { // Create the elements const blocDiv = document.createElement('div'); blocDiv.classList.add('bloc'); const titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.classList.add('title'); titleDiv.textContent = 'Stickers+'; const contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); contentDiv.classList.add('content', 'items'); const itemDiv = document.createElement('div'); itemDiv.classList.add('item'); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = "Afficher les stickers sans défilement"; const rightDiv = document.createElement('div'); rightDiv.classList.add('right'); const label = document.createElement('label'); label.classList.add('switch'); label.setAttribute('data-appearance-parameter', 'stealth-mode'); const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); // Check if the value is 'true' if (stickersNoScrollValue === 'true') { // Perform your action here, for example: input.checked = true; } // Add event listener to the input element input.addEventListener('change', function () { // Check if the input is checked if (this.checked) { // If checked, set the value of 'stickersNoScroll' to 'true' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickersNoScroll', 'true'); } else { // If not checked, set the value of 'stickersNoScroll' to 'false' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickersNoScroll', 'false'); } }); const switchContentDiv = document.createElement('div'); switchContentDiv.classList.add('switch_content'); const p = document.createElement('p'); p.classList.add('description'); p.textContent = "Permet d'afficher les stickers en un bloc simple sans barre de défilement."; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const itemDivBis = document.createElement('div'); itemDivBis.classList.add('item'); const spanBis = document.createElement('span'); spanBis.textContent = "Synchronisez les stickers ajoutés ou supprimés depuis d'autres appareils"; const rightDivBis = document.createElement('div'); rightDivBis.classList.add('right'); const labelBis = document.createElement('label'); labelBis.classList.add('switch'); labelBis.setAttribute('data-appearance-parameter', 'stealth-mode'); const inputBis = document.createElement('input'); inputBis.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); // Check if the value is 'true' if (stickersSynchronize === 'true') { // Perform your action here, for example: inputBis.checked = true; } // Add event listener to the input element inputBis.addEventListener('change', function () { // Check if the input is checked if (this.checked) { // If checked, set the value of 'stickersNoScroll' to 'true' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickersynchronize', 'true'); } else { // If not checked, set the value of 'stickersNoScroll' to 'false' in local storage localStorage.setItem('stickersynchronize', 'false'); } }); const switchContentDivBis = document.createElement('div'); switchContentDivBis.classList.add('switch_content'); const pBis = document.createElement('p'); pBis.classList.add('description'); pBis.textContent = "Permet d'activer ou de désactiver la synchronisation des stickers avec les autres appareils où le même compte est utilisé. Si un sticker est ajouté depuis un autre appareil, il sera mis à la racine dans cet appareil en dernière position"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Append the elements to build the structure label.appendChild(input); label.appendChild(switchContentDiv); labelBis.appendChild(inputBis); labelBis.appendChild(switchContentDivBis); rightDiv.appendChild(label); rightDivBis.appendChild(labelBis); itemDiv.appendChild(span); itemDiv.appendChild(rightDiv); itemDiv.appendChild(p); itemDivBis.appendChild(spanBis); itemDivBis.appendChild(rightDivBis); itemDivBis.appendChild(pBis); contentDiv.appendChild(itemDiv); contentDiv.appendChild(itemDivBis); blocDiv.appendChild(titleDiv); blocDiv.appendChild(contentDiv); // Find the element with id "left" const leftDiv = document.getElementById('left'); // Get the last child element of the "left" div const lastChild = leftDiv.lastElementChild; // Insert the blocDiv before the last child element leftDiv.insertBefore(blocDiv, lastChild); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART ALLOWS TO INSERT FAVORITE STICKERS IN PRIVATE MESSAGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function createContainer() { var parentBox = document.querySelector('.content'); var favoriteStickersDiv = document.createElement('div'); favoriteStickersDiv.className = "favoriteStickers"; favoriteStickersDiv.style.display = 'flex'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.border = '1px solid #39495c'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.background = '#232e39'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.color = '#fff'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.justifyContent = 'center'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.padding = '.5rem'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.width = '100%'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.columnGap = '.5rem'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.flexWrap = 'wrap'; if (stickersNoScrollValue === 'false') { // Perform your action here, for example: favoriteStickersDiv.style.maxHeight = '7rem'; favoriteStickersDiv.style.overflow = 'scroll'; } parentBox.appendChild(favoriteStickersDiv); return favoriteStickersDiv; } if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/chat/")) { const myContainer = createContainer(); showFolders(myContainer); showStickers('racine', myContainer); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PART ALLOWS TO ADD A WHOLE COLLECTION TO FAVORITES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function handleCollection() { var imagesDiv = document.querySelector('.images'); var title = imagesDiv.querySelector('.title'); var titleTextcontent = title.textContent; var titleTextcontentValid = titleTextcontent; // Create a button element var button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = 'Ajoutez cette collection aux favoris'; button.style.backgroundColor = 'blue'; button.style.color = 'white'; button.style.padding = '10px'; button.style.cursor = "pointer"; button.addEventListener('click', function () { while (!checkFolderName(titleTextcontentValid)) { titleTextcontentValid += '-'; } saveFolderName(titleTextcontentValid, 0); var images = imagesDiv.querySelectorAll('.image'); images.forEach(function (image) { var imgElement = image.querySelector('img'); var srcAttribute = imgElement.getAttribute('src'); var titleAttribute = imgElement.getAttribute('title'); var modifiedTitle = titleAttribute.substring(1, titleAttribute.length - 1); addStickerLocalstorage(modifiedTitle, srcAttribute, titleTextcontent, titleTextcontentValid, true); }); var grandparent = imagesDiv.parentNode.parentNode; grandparent.style.display = 'none'; button.remove(); setFavoritestickers(stickersContainer); }); // Append the button at the first position of the 'images' div imagesDiv.insertBefore(button, title); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIGSTICKERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://onche.org/topic/")) { const size = 64; //tailles possibles : 16, 32, 64 (défaut), 128, 256, 512 function setContainer(element) { const container = document.getElementById('context'); container.appendChild(element); } function stickModif(sticker) { const img = sticker.querySelector('img'); const urlGet = img.getAttribute('src'); const url = urlGet.replace(/\d{3}$/, "512"); const urlBis = urlGet.replace(/\d{3}$/, ''); const urlReplace = urlGet.replace(/\d{3}$/, size); if (size != 64) { img.style.maxWidth = '512px'; img.style.maxHeight = '512px'; img.style.minWidth = '8px'; img.src = urlReplace; } sticker.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // Create a new div element with class "item" const divElement = document.createElement('div'); const divElementBis = document.createElement('div'); divElement.classList.add('item'); divElementBis.classList.add('item'); // Create a new anchor element with href attribute of "muyrl.com" and inner text "Afficher en taille réelle" const aElement = document.createElement('a'); const aElementBis = document.createElement('a'); aElement.href = url; aElementBis.href = urlBis; aElement.textContent = "Afficher en grand"; aElementBis.textContent = "Afficher en taille réelle"; // Append the anchor element to the div element divElement.appendChild(aElement); divElementBis.appendChild(aElementBis); setTimeout(() => { setContainer(divElement); setContainer(divElementBis); }, 1); }); } const messages = document.querySelectorAll('.message:not(.answer)'); messages.forEach(message => { const stickers = message.querySelectorAll('.sticker'); if (stickers) { stickers.forEach(sticker => { stickModif(sticker); }); } }); // Convert the NodeList to an array /*const messagesArray = Array.from(messages); // Create a new MutationObserver const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { // For each mutation that occurs... mutations.forEach(mutation => { // If the mutation occurs within a message element const closestMessage = mutation.target.closest('.message'); if (messagesArray.includes(closestMessage)) { const sticker = mutation.target.closest('.message-content')?.querySelector('.sticker'); if (sticker) { stickModif(sticker); } } }); }); // Configure the MutationObserver to watch for changes to the DOM tree const config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(document.body, config);*/ } })(); //TODO //lors de l'ajout d'une collection, refresh le favorite sticker field //vérifier que le dossier existe lorsque qu'on y ajoute le sticker //pouuvoir ajouter ses propres collections //changer la couleur des icônes en fonction du thème //pouvoir définir l'ordre pour les dossiers //pouvoir configurer les stickers directement sur le forum